
France Lebee-Nadav

Born 1956 in Paris, France
Lives and works in Tel-Aviv, Israel

Solo Exhibitions

2022   Nothing Beyond the Horizon- Minshar for Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv, curator Noa Ben Nun Melamed

2015  Deceptive Elements– in collaboration with Etty Schwartz, The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, The First Friday series, curator Ayelet Hashahar Cohen

2011 Common Areas (Shetah Meshutaf), Hadassah College Educative Gallery, Jerusalem

2010 Fallings, Zaritsky Artists House, Tel-Aviv, curator Ayelet Hashahar Cohen

2007  The Dark Side of the Cheese Grater, Zaritsky Artists House, Tel-Aviv, curator Ayelet Hashahar Cohen

2005 Landscape and Memory, Museum Ashdot Yaakov

2000 Everywhere, Landscape and Memory in Israel, Artists Studio Gallery, Tel-Aviv (in collaboration with Drora Dominey).

Kol Makom [Everywhere], David Yelin College Gallery, Jerusalem and WIZO College Gallery, Haifa (in collaboration with Drora Dominey)

1997 Five pairs and a Triplet, Limbus, A Place for Photography, Tel Aviv

1991 Morienval-Tel-Aviv, The Studio in Borochov, Tel-Aviv

Selected Group exhibitions

2023  May Things Be? – The New Gallery Artist’s Studio Teddy, Jerusalem, curating: Etty Schwartz

2020  Photopoetics#19- Musrara, The New Gallery, Jerusalem, curator Irena Gordon

2016  objects of melancholy – The Morel Derfler Gallery, Musrara, Jerusalem, curating: Ilanit Konopny

2013 What is to Become – The Binyamin Gallery, Tel-Aviv, curating: Etty Schwartz

2011 Light Show, Morel Derfler Gallery, Musrara, Jerusalem

2009 White City Black Days, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv

2006 Israeli Salon, Agrippas 12 Gallery, Jerusalem

2005 The New Hebrews: 100 Years of Art in Israel, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany

2003 Public Domain, homage to the Tel Aviv’s gardener Abraham Karavan, the Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

2001 Sheikh Abreik, the Memorial Art Gallery, Kiriyat Tiv’on

1996 Zeitgenossische Fotografie aus Israel, Stadtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Germany, curator Heinz Thiel

1994 Tel Aviv – a Temporary Documentation, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Grants and Awards

2016 Grant from The Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation for the Arts, Tel Aviv Yafo for the book General Allenby Showcase

2009 Grant from the Pais Council for Arts and Culture for the book Common Areas (Shetah Meshutaf)

2007 Grant from the Department of Culture and Arts, Municipality Tel Aviv Yafo

2000 Grants from Arthur Goldreich Trust and the Yehoshua Rabinowitz Foundation for the Arts, Tel Aviv for the project and the book Everywere, Memory and Landscape in Israel

Teacher, Editor and Curator

2005-2020 Teaching photography at MusraraThe Naggar school of Photography, Media, New Music, Animation and Phototherapy, Jerusalem

2009 Photo editing for the book Second Person Plural by Tamir Lahav-Radlmesser, Xargol Books Publishing House

2008 Curator of the exhibition Women Soldiers in Focus at the Israeli Opera, Performing Arts Center in Tel Aviv

2006 Photo editing for the book Israeli Portraits by Vardi Kahana, Am Oved Publishing House and Xargol Books

1998-2000 Photo editing at the periodical Tzalool

1992-1998 Teaching photography at Kalisher – the Tel-Aviv School of Art

1986-1992 Teaching photography in different art schools in Tel-Aviv.


1996-1999 Teacher Training for Graduates, Kibbutzim College, Tel-Aviv

1981-1983 Hadassah College of Technology, Photography Department, Jerusalem

1973-1976 B.A Hebrew, I.N.A.L.C.O. Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France

All Rights Reserved to France Lebee-nadav 2017